
Knowledge is power. We have programs and resources to empower individuals and organisations to tackle Women’s health issues.


  • Your rights, health and choices: We provide accurate, relevant local information about your rights, health and choices so that you are in a better position to make decisions and have greater control over your own life.

  • Health Promotion: We run regular programs and sessions that advocate healthy lifestyles. We believe that all women regardless of their age, background or beliefs should have the opportunity to access information regarding health in a non-threatening environment.

  • Groups and programs: The Centre runs many groups and workshops that focus on a number of different aspects of mental and physical health. We run many different programs throughout the year, to see our current programs see our What’s On page or subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with our current groups and programs.



  • Cumberland Women’s Health Centre is committed to providing programs that assist in community development, but also programs that help to educate the community in many different areas such as health, building relationships and social isolation.

  • The Centre runs a number of programs which involve local schools, community centre’s and community members, to strengthen and develop community responses to women’s health and wellbeing

Organisations and Businesses

  • We provide training to businesses to better help them detect, support and address Domestic Violence victims in the workplace. Research has shown that the flow on effects of Domestic Violence don’t end at home and will often impact the victim’s work life as well. By equipping business’s with resources, knowledge and tools we can help to support our women and community livelihood. Learn more about our program here.